The code of ethics and policies follow IEEE Signal Processing Society Policies and Procedures.
View the complete IEEE Event Terms and Conditions and IEEE Privacy Policy.
The essential parts are listed below. If any discrepancy between the information stated on this pages and the official IEEE Signal Processing Society Policies and Procedures then the official policies prevail.
Non-Presented Paper (No-Show) Policy
Any accepted paper included in the final program is expected to have at least one author or qualified proxy attend and present the paper at the conference. If a paper is not presented at the conference, the paper will not be published by IEEE on IEEE Xplore® or other public access forums, but these papers will be distributed to conference attendees as conference proceedings and the copyright of these papers will belong to IEEE. For poster sessions, if the speaker is not present in front of the poster for most of the time during the poster session, this also implies the paper was not presented. Conference organizers are required to collect attendance records and a list of any non-presented papers and submit to IEEE SPS staff.
Exceptions to this policy will be made by the Technical Program Chair(s) of the conference only if there is evidence that the no-show occurred because of unanticipated events beyond the control of the authors, and every option available to the authors to present the paper was exhausted. The no-show authors may appeal the decision of the Technical Program Chair to the VP-onferences.
Qualified Proxy Policy
The presentation of papers by substitutes is highly discouraged and may only be made after permission is granted by the Technical Program Chair(s) of the conference based on solid evidence that none of the authors is available to present. Papers presented by substitutes without permission will be considered as no-shows.
Authors with Travel Restrictions Policy
The Signal Processing Society values diversity. Authors who anticipate inability to travel to a conference because of a government-imposed travel restriction are still encouraged to submit papers. Such papers will be reviewed and accepted on their own merit for publication without any knowledge of the author's travel restriction. Within one week of paper acceptance notification, travel-restricted authors must notify the Technical Program Chair of the conference with proof of their restriction. Substitute presenters may be possible or, depending on conference resources, other accommodations may be available, such as a remote presentation or pre-recorded video.
IEEE Event Conduct and Safety Statement
IEEE believes that science, technology, and engineering are fundamental human activities, for which openness, international collaboration, and the free flow of talent and ideas are essential. Its meetings, conferences, and other events seek to enable engaging, thought provoking conversations that support IEEE's core mission of advancing technology for humanity.
Accordingly, IEEE is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment to all participants, including staff and vendors, at IEEE-related events. IEEE has no tolerance for discrimination, harassment, or bullying in any form at IEEE-related events. All participants have the right to pursue shared interests without harassment or discrimination in an environment that supports diversity and inclusion.
Participants are expected to adhere to these principles and respect the rights of others. IEEE seeks to provide a secure environment at its events. Participants should report any behavior inconsistent with the principles outlined here, to on site staff, security or venue personnel, or to
View the complete IEEE Event Terms and Conditions.
Authors' Rights
- Authorship and co-authorship of any publication submitted to the IEEE Signal Processing Society in any form should be based on substantial contributions as defined in the IEEE Publications Operations manual, section 8.2.1.A, which include a significant intellectual input, contributions to drafting the article, and approval of the final version accepted for publications. All co-authors have responsibility for work submitted under their names. Co-authors have the right to withdraw their names before acceptance of the article, but no co-author shall be removed without his/her permission.
- Submission of a paper to an IEEE Signal Processing Society journal is taken to mean that all listed authors have agreed to the authorship list and all the contents and confirm that the work is original and that figures, tables and other reported results accurately reflect the experimental work. The use of a co-author's name in a submission without his/her consent is unacceptable and will result in corrective actions. Fabrication, falsification or intentional misrepresentation of any aspect is considered misconduct and subject to IEEE sanctions for all authors.
- Authors may only submit original work that has not appeared elsewhere in a journal publication, nor is under review for another journal publication. Limited overlap with prior journal publications with a common author is allowed only if it is necessary for the readability of the paper and the paper is cited. It is acceptable for conference papers to be used as the basis for a more fully developed journal submission. Still, authors are required to cite related prior work; the papers cannot be identical; and the journal publication must include novel aspects. The question of whether there is sufficient novelty should be determined by the review process and not by a simple measurement of overlap determined by word count. Overlap with an unreviewed technical report or student thesis with the same authors is allowed if the original work is cited.
- All manuscripts submitted for publication will be treated as confidential by Organizers and Reviewers.
- All IEEE Signal Processing Society volunteers that are involved in the publications process should avoid every perception of conflict of interest.The Organizers will strive to avoid every perception of conflict of interest in the review process. Submissions cannot be reviewed by a reviewer from any of the author's institutions (or subsidiaries). Nor can the submission be reviewed by a reviewer who has a professional collaboration (such as a joint research projects) with any of the authors at the time of submission.
Author Misconduct
The IEEE Signal Processing Society recognizes that there are different forms of author misconduct including:
- Research misconduct: Falsification, fabrication and/or misrepresentation of results, committed intentionally or recklessly; intentional misuse of a co-author's name in a submission without his/her consent. Research misconduct does not include honest errors.
- Plagiarism of the work of others: Plagiarism includes copying someone else's work without appropriate credit, using someone else's work without clear delineation of citation, and the uncited reuse of an author's previously published work that also involves other authors. The IEEE PSPB Operations manual section 8.2.4.D provides guidelines on adjudicating five different levels of severity of plagiarism, including uncredited verbatim copying and uncredited improper paraphrasing of different amounts of text, as well as credited verbatim copying of a major portion of an article without clear delineation. These are intended as guidelines; the impact of the plagiarized material on the originality of the paper should be a primary consideration.
- Self-plagiarism: Self-plagiarism involves the reuse of an author's own prior work without appropriate citation, including substantial overlap in technical content as well as verbatim copying. Uncredited reuse of material from a previously published journal paper that constitutes more than 35% of the submitted manuscript (not necessarily verbatim) is unacceptable and shall be subject to sanctions. Uncredited reuse of a substantial amount of material from a previously published conference paper is also unacceptable.
- Multiple submissions: When papers by the same author(s) are being considered for review concurrently and have substantial overlap, as described above for self-plagiarism, they are considered to be multiple submissions. If the authors alert the editor that a submitted paper is under review elsewhere, they will be asked to withdraw other versions from consideration or withdraw the submitted paper. When the editor is not alerted, a duplicate submission will be considered self-plagiarism.
Paper Formatting
Authors are required to format submissions in accordance with provided formatting procedures provided. Failure to comply will result in rejection of the paper for publication.
Authors' Handling of Submitted Papers
In order to prevent disclosure of authors' identities, MLSP does not allow authors to share or post submitted versions of their papers during the review period on any platform. For accepted papers, the general IEEE rules below apply.
Authors' Copyright
As provided by IEEE Policy, all technical, educational and professional publications, including Society newsletters, are required to be copyrighted by the IEEE. Copyright is held by the Institute itself and not by the Society.
In further keeping with IEEE policy, the Society shall ensure that, prior to publication, all authors or their employers shall transfer to the IEEE in writing any copyright they hold for their individual papers. Such transfer shall be necessary for publication, except for material in the public domain or reprinted from a copyrighted publication. In return, the IEEE shall grant authors and their employers permission in writing to make copies and otherwise reuse the material under terms approved by the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board, which shall be specified in the PSPB Operations Manual.